Saturday, February 26, 2011

Featured Auction Items

As you may already know, our Veronica's Voice Silent Auction is coming up next weekend on March 6th from 12-5. This week we'll be featuring a new auction item every day to let you know what's in store! Also, there are still a few spaces left for haircuts on the 6th so be sure to book yours ASAP! Call 285-2490.

Corks & Kegs Wine Basket
Today's featured auction item is a wine basket from Corks & Kegs. This basket is filled with some awesome goodies: four bottles of hand-picked wine, a few truffles & snacks, and wine accessories like bottle stoppers and  a cork screw! This basket is worth $150 and will be on display next week, March 1-5. You can bid on the item at our Veronica's Voice event on March 6th from 12pm to 5pm. We hope to see you there!

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